Threes are often super charismatic and get along with pretty much anyone. They’re extremely detail-oriented and conscientious, and they have high standards, which can make them very critical of themselves. Ones are also extremely practical and have a strong desire to be useful.

Explore the 9 Types and Discover Who You Truly Are

Using the Enneagram as your guide, you can focus your search to make the experience better. Below we offer the best dating apps, based on your Enneagram type. While the Enneagram theory needs further research to validate its use, it has gained some popularity as a tool for building better relationships.

While those traits can often make Type 8s seem overly aggressive, they actually complement Type 9s traits very well, giving Enneagram 9 Wing 8s the best of both worlds. The Type 8 confidence counter-balances the Type 9 need to please everyone, so you end up with a person who knows what they want but is still thoughtful of other people. A major reason Type 9s don’t often pursue leadership positions is because they hate being the one calling the shots. Type 9s fear making a decision that’ll make others unhappy, and oftentimes it’s a struggle for them to even know what they want since they’re so used to agreeing to the suggestions of others. A job where they need to constantly be making important decisions is very draining for many Type 9s. When given directions to follow, however; Type 9s will be very thoughtful about their work and infuse it with their own creative touch.

Trusting Nines are considered the crown of the Enneagram because they’re located at the top of the symbol, allowing them to see all perspectives in a situation. Nines have a warm and harmonious aura, which is attributed to their happy-go-lucky nature. Nines are extraordinarily patient, and partners will feel deeply acknowledged in the relationship. Secure Nines care about maintaining internal/external peace and smoothing tension through empathy. Responsible Sixes are ardently loyal in their beliefs and their community.

Reformers compatibility with Helpers (Type 1 & Type

To find common Enneagram pairings below, we consulted the research from Hall’s The Enneagram in Love and Helen Palmer’s book The Enneagram in Love & Work. Hall notes that her research indicated that some relationship combinations are more common, though this does not necessarily make them more compatible. Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world.

I have taken many tests and have always come out as an Enneagram 5. I’m not exactly sure why I tested as an eight unless at this point I’m showing a strong integration score. I was shocked and frustrated by the quantity of language issues used throughout the test and answers. I don’t think anyone actually read all the questions and results before publishing it.

They Are Highly Agreeable

The Enneagram is a typology system that describes human personality as a number of interconnected personality types. Once you know your Enneagram type, your love life will likely start to make a lot more sense. For one, knowing whether your type falls into the Head, Heart, or Gut center of intelligence can tell you a lot about how you react to different dating situations. If you’re a Gut Type , for example, you’re more likely to act quickly based on your instincts and ask someone out rather than overthinking it, the way a Head Type might.

Society rewards Threes for their laser-beam focus on work, which is why it’s important to support them in creating a healthy work-life balance to include rest and emotional processing. Partners can feel left out of the relationship if Threes get too caught up in their drive to succeed, which may move them away from their authentic self. To reconnect, it’s important to show them unconditional love for who they are, not what they do. By learning what EnneaMatch is all about, you not only explore your own personality in a new way, you also learn which personality types are easier for you to connect with — and why. In a Five-Two partnership, this is a true meeting of opposites. The Fives’ objectivity and strong boundaries are attractive to porous Twos, who have trouble stating boundaries.

The urge to succeed, or at least seem to succeed, motivates them relentlessly. In other words, they take all precautions necessary to ensure success. They are always worried about what others will think of them and don’t want to look foolish. If patience is a virtue, then Nines deserve some serious props. They’re definitely not ones to put any pressure on a romantic situation — they’re just content to go with the flow. As such, when they start developing feels for someone, their assertive, take-charge nature will come out.

So, the person you’re interested in will likely have no doubts about your feelings, because you’ll show it through a steady stream of helpful acts, compliments, and tender acts of physical touch. When it comes to flirting, you’re nothing if not goal-oriented and purposeful — because, like all other things in your life, you want to get it right. For instance, you might start by following your crush on IG, texting them after you’ve built up a rapport, and then making plans to meet up IRL. Miriam is a writer, astrologer, and tarot reader with a strong interest in the Enneagram and a mental health advocate.

As a result, it can be tough to know what Type 9s really want and what makes them click. It can also cause 9s to feel lonely because, even though they’re often surrounded by others, they’re reluctant to show their true selves. They want peace with themselves, peace with others, and peace for the world.

Enneagram type compatibility theory.Does Enneagram compatibility really matter? The most common Enneagram couples.Do same-type pairings work? Julie Nguyen is a relationship coach, Enneagram educator, and former matchmaker based in New York. I far prefer having an unlimited inbox filled with suitors of all types that I can reject at will. For me to have to put myself out there, making the first move, sounds AWFUL. No way am I going to express interest to someone I haven’t even gotten a message from…??

With their outgoing personalities, extroverts easily fall into managerial and leadership positions. Type Twos are caring and generous and enjoy helping other people—they’re often the “mom” friend. They want to belong and feel appreciated, but their desire to be liked can make them people-pleasers.