And when you can guard your heart no longer, it’s time to get married so you don’t need to guard your heart towards this person anymore as you once did in the dating relationship. You want to get the most out of the dating experience to see whether marriage is in the cards . You want to open up enough for the person to really get to know you.

You both share while acknowledging that there is two sides to the story. Everyone is able to have feelings without having to share them. Boundaries are defined as “a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line” according to the definition in Oxford Languages. Ultimately, a boundary is a line that keeps unhealthy things out of your life and gives us the space to see if our partner is a good match for us. Feel free to email me with any questions or comments at The trickier part will be to define what is an act rooted in sexual desire and what is an act that is simply a sign of affection.

In a healthy relationship, two people are committed to respect each others’ boundaries. I have a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Counseling, I’ve been married since 2008, we have two wild children, and we live in Cleveland, Ohio. Therefore when I said, “I love you,” I wanted to mean it. And the only way I knew I could really show my love for her was with my commitment. Don’t tell someone you love them and then not commit to them. But if you say “I love you” to someone you are romantically involved with, I believe you are going to awaken all kinds of things that should really only be awakened for those intending to marry.

It’s called foreplay, and I think it’s a fundamental part of God’s design for sex. To borrow an analogy from Michael Lawrence, sexual activity is like a down-hill on-ramp to a highway. It’s one way, you gather momentum the second you enter it, and according to the Great Engineer’s design of the highway system, there’s only one reason to get on it. For those who have not thought about the passages above or who disagree with my argument from them, “How far is too far?

How To Set Biblical Boundaries As A Christian

Finally, you will need to have at least some understanding of how you define the role of your faith in your relationship and how it impacts the decisions you make concerning sex and intimacy. You don’t need sex for intimacy, of course, but that doesn’t mean sex is a bad thing at all either. This article is meant for anyone who is a Christian either in a relationship or is curious about what they should be thinking of when they do start a relationship. This is for anyone who is considering a sexual relationship while in a Christian relationship and wants to know how far is too far.

A brief tour of Christian blogs and bookstores will provide several different answers to the question, attempting to compose lines and boundaries somewhere on the sexual continuum behind which singles must stay. Some don’t even draw lines beyond sexual intercourse, inviting singles to think it through and let their consciences guide them in the context of a committed relationship. This is a didactic passage generally instructing us about how to relate to other “family members” among God’s people. With the exception of husbands and wives, there is no sexual dimension to “familial” relationships. Also, look at that phrase about how younger women should be treated — with absolute purity.

You both understand why there are boundaries and respect each other enough not to tempt the other into crossing them. Not only that, but you are both obedient to God’s teachings about love and intimacy. We don’t establish boundaries; it leads us to expect so much from the relationship.

Want to Learn More About God’s Will and Loving Others?

When a dating relationship begins, it’s a forward impact on the level of commitment. When a dating relationship ends, it’s a backward impact on the level of commitment. We’ve prepared a list of important areas where boundaries are both practical and needed within Christian dating relationships. As a young teenager, you don’t know yourself, others, or the systems of the world fully.

Keep your eyes focused on Him and seek to honor Him in all that you do. Don’t forget to take care of yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It may include taking time to read the Bible, rest, relax, and self-reflection.

We must understand that though saying “I love you” and promises for the future may seem romantic, it is unfair to express them when you do not intend to see it through to the end. Though we think our self-control is strong, emotion and pleasure will easily break that because we are only human beings. You and your partner should constantly place God at the center of your relationship besides setting physical boundaries. Pray that you may not tempt each other into crossing your limits and keep faithful to each other’s promises. Put God at the center of your relationship, and in everything you decide, seek His counsel before anything else.

You might not think that sharing access to your phone is a big deal. But this boundary line is more about maintaining the privacy of others. In their search for fault in you, they may stumble across something private from someone else.