There is a point during a new relationship where things start to taper off and settle in a sort of calm flat land, not that it’s gone bad or anything, it’s just leveled. At the end of the day, you can’t change a narcissist and empath. They both are who they are, and they are never a good match. Can a relationship between a narcissist and an empath really work? The odds aren’t great, but it doesn’t mean it’s an impossibility. There are different levels of narcissism, just as there are different levels of empathy.

The narcissist will make the empath feel “crazy” for responding the way they are. They will say they are being over-dramatic, and that their concerns are unfounded. This kind of dismissal is the most obvious way they exert power and mind-control over the empath. When an empath is around joy and peace, he or she will pick up those emotions and they will be a great partner.

He’s genuinely happy

It will feel harder for a Heyoka empath to trust their words because they can feel the acute level of conflict between what someone says and what they feel. Because Heyoka empaths can dial into exactly what someone is experiencing, it can be very confusing and disappointing when they speak with someone who isn’t expressing themselves truthfully. If you find that you are misunderstood by others, don’t worry. It’s part of the experience of being a Heyoka empath.

If you are in a relationship with an empath, you need to call them every day. They want a routine to develop a deep and meaningful relationship. If you do not follow your promise, there will be a problem. Even when they know it will cause a problem, they will speak their mind. You might find that you have created the perfect environment for a new relationship when you have your feelings and thoughts in order. Instead of passing judgement on people who can’t or don’t want to feel the way you do, take to your journal to work through your thoughts about this and reserve your judgement.

If you can deal with this, you will benefit from it greatly! If you find you can’t deal with it, don’t blame them, and don’t feel too bad about it… most people would not be able to deal with it. Just, if you ever cared about them, or still do, please bow out gracefully. Opposite partners, not able to detect this leveling off, will find the empath strange for feeling this way when in truth it’s a gift that’s gone slightly awry. Some empaths are able to see the change and accept it for what it really is, just a new level or milestone.

If you’re dealing with anxiety, sadness, or any other difficult emotions with regard to your relationship, your partner can pick up on them. It’s not unusual for empaths to feel sympathy pain when those close to them are hurting. This is why you’ll hear of things like sympathy labor pains when one partner is giving birth and the other one feels it.

Here’s what every empath must know before venturing out on that next date. Empaths sense your pain and do everything to ease it. You both jump on board and ride the plane, or you do not. They go all in, and they do not accept half-measured actions.

An empath may go back to the relationship

It can be overwhelming to be around others for empaths, especially if the location will be loud and vibrant. There are times when an empath will not be able to clearly talk about how they are feeling. When this happens, do your best not to pressure them. Let them take the time they need to get their thoughts together, and when they are ready, they will share with you how they are feeling. At some point, some personal inventory may help decipher if the conversation you are having is merely to fuel the quip or if you, yourself, have some mystical experiences that are yet unexplained.

Instead of hiding your feelings, share them calmly and honestly, and understand that the empath may need time to process. Empaths can be incredibly emotional and intense, but this isn’t something they can change about themselves. They need you to accept that they will love hard, feel stiff, and sometimes become overwhelmed with these feelings. Respect their world—especially if they are sensitive about it—and understand their gifts don’t need accuracy monitoring and continual debate. For any couple it’s important to feel held and understood beyond the relationship. This is especially important for empaths who have had to suppress their gifts in order to be socially accepted to sustain a supportive holistic or intuitive community, both online and offline.

There’s a delicate line between naming a gift in order to have a sacred, constructive dialogue about it and giving the phrase so much adhesive it feels sticky and uncomfortable, like a negative label. Because empaths can feel other people’s challenging energies and emotions so intimately, empaths can fall into people-pleasing, which can enable self-sabotaging tendencies in others. While clinical narcissism is real, anyone—including empaths—can occasionally fall into unhealthy narcissistic patterns. Part of your romantic partnership is trying to bring out the best in each other, which means holding each other accountable and to a higher standard of conduct in the relationship and in the world. There’s nothing wrong with feeling deeply or caring passionately.